Real Change?

Boom, this: “Maybe young people still haven’t noticed, or don’t really care — at least not enough to change their voting habits. Maybe they are too interested in political issues like immigration reform or gay marriage to worry about their economic future” (

And I completely agree. Now it sounds awful to say that I place higher priority on the economic world than social issues like gay rights – obviously gay rights are very important to those whose lives they affect. However, the bigger issue in the world today is honestly the economy. And I’m not just talking about the unemployment rate, awful “Affordable” care act, or people living below the poverty line. This problem is even bigger: the unequal wealth distribution in the US. It is because of this that other problems are arising. The fact that the top 1% of America has 40% of America’s wealth (Wealth Inequality). And I’m all for those who have worked hard and earned their money to keep a good portion of it, but the fact that this inequality could even be a possibility is what’s wrong. That there is still discrimination in the work force based on gender and race. There are still social stigmas associated with mental illness and prison records. Just the fact that America is overall messed up and it is affecting the future generations of youth. 

And to think change can come from people becoming involved in what is going on, having an opinion on what should be done, and fighting for a better economy so that future grandchildren aren’t paying for MY debt, like I will be having to do for the baby boomers. 


I feel like I have changed so much and I come home and everything is stagnant. Yet I still love it here.

I have the chance to go to South Africa for a missions trip. I hope it’s not too expensive; I’d love to go and gain a new perspective and hopefully radically change someone’s life. 

Almost Thanksgiving break. Oh how this semester has flown by. I know the next four years will pass so quickly so I need to cherish each day 🙂

Today is Matt’s birthday. I hope he knows how much he is loved and how much he means to me. I don’t really have a bestfriend but I’d say he is mine. I don’t think he knows that. 


Okay here’s my problem with this world.

Well there’s several…

As a society, we are not stupid. While many of us choose to be ignorant about problems or undermine the full magnitude of their consequences, most of us have a pretty good idea of what is “corrupt,” bad, wrong, NOT WORKING in this world.

Examples: Obesity, processed food, the American diet, social injustices (prison, racial inequality, gap b/w poor vs wealthy), lack of government bipartisanship, the economy, oh how the list goes on and on…

There’s a lot of research and knowledge built around these topics with logical solutions…yet no one actually does anything.

My generation (18-25) holds a lot of power although we don’t realize it. We are in school right now learning about these topics, internship with these companies, writing blogs about this, yet none of us stand together to try to make any actual change for the world.

Until this happens, we will be at a stand-still, depressed, overall messed up world. Our children will inherit INSANE amounts of debt, an ill-equipped government, a social class system that is more and more starting to resemble a caste system, a world where more government spending is attributed to feeding PRISONERS than our own 8 year old children in schools. A world that will all need wheelchairs because we have become so obese we cannot walk. 

America was once the land of the free. The place people actually wanted to immigrate to. Now we’re a joke and we don’t seem to know how to fix it. Stand together, raise awareness, tell your friends, and INSPIRE CHANGE ❤