Life Choices

I want to follow God and His plan for me. I really think that he wants me to go on this summer project to South Africa. I’m just scared people reading my application will judge me for my past. Which is silly because if God wants me to go then I will, but why am I still hesitant? I just need to trust that everything will be okay and work out the way it is supposed to 

College Life

Although I have been here more than a month, I haven’t really expressed my feelings or what all I have learned – and I keep learning new things everyday! So I figured I would start a blog to track my thoughts. Although I believe I tried to start one of these before and it didn’t last so we’ll see. Anyways here is a list thus far of what all I have learned about myself/life in general…

1. I am so blessed. I knew I had a good family, food on the table, education, etc but I really took it all for granted and underestimated the power these things hold. 

  • Family: Okay so I have an awesome family. We have always gotten along and I always knew that I loved them, but since coming up here I have realized how close that we are. Family dinners every night, unconditional love and support, and just always being there for me I took for granted. Now I miss them all like crazy but and it’s hard to be away from them
  • Food: Kay so the food here kinda sucks. I’ve become a health nut (while I still love my chocolates) and really just appreciate good, healthy cooking. The food here is not healthy by any standards and I can already see people putting on the freshman 15. Also, I’ve realized how much I take something as simple as food for granted. A lot of people are starving and here us college kids go throwing away  tons of scraps of food a day.

2. I’ve been ignorant in my opinions and views. There are so many people in this world who come from interesting cultures and backgrounds. Everyone has a unique story with unique battles that they’ve fought. I wish I would’ve realized this earlier because I probably would have had more friends from different backgrounds or at least had more respect for other people. I’ve attended a GLBT drag show, learned about different races and how they are expressed in the media, and lived with people from all walks of life. These events have taught me so much and I hope to bring these lessons back to my family.

3. The most important one: Christ. I’ve loved and trusted God for some time now but coming up here I realize how much of an impact He has had on my life. I simply cannot imagine going through life without Him. Since coming up here I have met other Christians, joined a bible study, and seriously considered going on a Mission Trip.

I know CSU was the right choice for me; I can feel it and am so excited to see what God has in store for me.